Has your property been damaged as a result of the carelessness or negligence of someone else? If that has happened, we may be able to help you.
One example of a property damage case is when blasting is being done on property next to yours and your property is damaged. There are specific rules regarding this type of conduct and we at Hecht & Hecht, LP may be able to assist you in seeking and recovering compensation for the damage done to your property.
We have represented people whose apartment was robbed due to the careless act of their building managment. We were able to recover the value of the property that was stolen by making a claim to the building’s insurance company.
Another example of a property damage case is when you vehicle is struck by another vehicle. Maybe you were not injured, but your vehicle was damaged. If this occurred, we may be able to help.
If you have suffered a property damage loss, please contact our offices at (212) 226-2400 and discuss the matter with us.